Our Bible Book Club meets fortnightly on Mondays. We have an afternoon group and an evening group. Everyone is welcome. Please do if you are interested in finding out more.
Our GIFT Group
Growth in faith is a key part of our Mission Statement. Our G.I.F.T. (Growing in Faith Together) Group meets regularly, once or twice a month, on Monday or Thursday evenings. If you are interested in joining us please speak to Joan, our Vicar, or .
We welcome all enquires, whether or not you are already a regular worshipper at our church, and run courses in preparation for Confirmation at least once a year. If you are interested in finding out more about Confirmation please speak to Joan, our Vicar, or contact the .
Helpful links
Here are some links you may find helpful in exploring the Christian faith, giving a fuller understanding of what, as Christians, we believe and helping you to grow in faith.